Tamponade or No Tamponade: That is the question

  Case An 87 year old female with a past medical history of untreated metastatic thyroid cancer presented with two weeks of gradually worsening anasarca, dyspnea, orthopnea and fatigue. Her ability to complete her activities of daily living had significantly decreased over this time.  Her physical exam was significant for bilateral lung crackles, diminished heart […]

Yes, You CAN See Gout on Ultrasound!

Case 63 year old male presented to the ED  with left elbow swelling for a few days. The patient was  afebrile but the erythema was concerning for cellulitis and a collection around the medial aspect of the elbow. The ultrasound showed a small pocket containing hyperechoic tophi, suggestive of gout, although no drainable collection was […]

Thoracentesis- No X-ray required!

  Case: 88 year female with a history of ovarian cancer presented to the ED for shortness of breath. Two weeks prior, she was admitted with a similar presentation, was found to have a pleural effusion that was drained in hospital as well as a pneumonia that was successfully treated with antibioticstore.online. Her pleural effusion […]

Posterior Tibial Nerve block

Case: A 20 year old female presented to the ED after having stepped on a sewing needle 3 days earlier, having it now buried in the plantar surface of her left foot. She described pain when she walked, but no fevers, chills or other systemic symptoms. Her vital signs were normal and she was well […]

Conference FOAMed 9/23/15

Here’s round 2 of conference FOAMed. I didn’t get any feedback on round 1 (http://theempulse.org/conference-foamed-72215/) but I figured that people are hungry for a bite of the online knowledge apple. I. SICKLE CELL DISEASE – http://epmonthly.com/article/sickle-cell-10-things-every-ep-should-know-about-scd-/ This little article emphasizes many of the points that Dr. Ramnarine hammered home today. Remember that sickle cell whacks […]

Achilles Tendon Rupture, by Dr. Joshua Guttman

Case: A 58 year old male with no significant past medical history presented to the ED complaining of pain to the back of the left ankle for 2 weeks. He is on no medications and is a non-smoker. His injury occurred when playing handball 2 weeks earlier, where he felt a sudden pain to his […]