Can POCUS Rule Out Choledocholithiasis?

Can bedside ultrasound rule out choledocholithiasis? Dr. Jen Larson explores the question in this brief case discussion.
Upper AW Ultrasound: Not ready for the big time

Can upper AW ultrasound be used to guide treatment in the ED? Dr. Gollogly thinks not.
Difficult Lumbar Puncture? Ultrasound to the rescue!

Point of care ultrasound can be used to facilitate Lumbar Puncture in the Emergency Department.
Posterior Tibial Nerve block

Case: A 20 year old female presented to the ED after having stepped on a sewing needle 3 days earlier, having it now buried in the plantar surface of her left foot. She described pain when she walked, but no fevers, chills or other systemic symptoms. Her vital signs were normal and she was well […]
Achilles Tendon Rupture, by Dr. Joshua Guttman

Case: A 58 year old male with no significant past medical history presented to the ED complaining of pain to the back of the left ankle for 2 weeks. He is on no medications and is a non-smoker. His injury occurred when playing handball 2 weeks earlier, where he felt a sudden pain to his […]