HTP?! 1 in a… ok, not near a million, but still. The Bleeding Pregnant Patient P. Schmalbach, MD, PhD, E. Mizrachi, MH Raj, J. Reisner D. Dexeus, M. Richman Case A 25-year-old female G6P3A2 with LMP 6 weeks before arrival initially presented to the Emergency Department (ED) complaining of heavy vaginal bleeding, abdominal […]
Tamponade or No Tamponade: That is the question

Case An 87 year old female with a past medical history of untreated metastatic thyroid cancer presented with two weeks of gradually worsening anasarca, dyspnea, orthopnea and fatigue. Her ability to complete her activities of daily living had significantly decreased over this time. Her physical exam was significant for bilateral lung crackles, diminished heart […]
WMS 2017 Report

The Wilderness Medicine Club is pleased to report a successful trip…
Mysteries of the Gallbladder, Chamber of Echoes

A healthy woman presents to the ED with fever, emesis, epigastric pain, and right upper quadrant tenderness, but the gallbladder ultrasound shows no stones.
Hofstra-Northwell EM are at SAEM17!
Check out all the Hofstra-Northwell EM faculty and residents who will be presenting at the 2017 Meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine.
Can POCUS Rule Out Choledocholithiasis?

Can bedside ultrasound rule out choledocholithiasis? Dr. Jen Larson explores the question in this brief case discussion.
Bellapu and Guttman on POCUS for Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome in JEM

Dr. Bellapu and Dr. Guttman discuss the use of point of care ultrasound for diagnosing Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome in the Emergency Department.
Case Report: Twinkle Twinkle Little Stone

An otherwise healthy woman presents to the ER with severe flank pain. This little known ultrasound artifact can sometimes pinpoint the cause.
Fournier Gangrene on Bedside Ultrasound

A 34 year old male with no past medical history presented to the Emergency Department (ED) due to 1 day of left scrotal swelling…
Upper AW Ultrasound: Not ready for the big time

Can upper AW ultrasound be used to guide treatment in the ED? Dr. Gollogly thinks not.