Dr. Rezette Dent says she’s “hypoglycemic?”
Dr. Rezette Dent is having a tough shift. As an intern, it’s hard…
dasSMACC Day 3: Pik’s Stumbles in Berlin
In my defense, any morning activity after a party with foosball, a karaoke room, and discussions of cognition and teaching with world class educators is…
dasSMACC Day 2: Pik’s Rambles in Berlin
Dr. Pik Mukherji shares with us his meanderings from the second day of dasSMACC in Berlin – ask Pik your questions in the comments section!
dasSMACC Day 1: Pik’s Rambles
Dr. Pik Mukherji shares with us his rambles from the first day of dasSMACC in Berlin – ask Pik your questions in the comments section!
Dr. Reza Dent asks “Are we treating CAP wrong??”
Is community acquired pneumonia adequately covered by ID guidelines? Or does rising resistance mean we’re doing it wrong?
What kind of shock? Spinal shock?
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Would you like to specify whether our patient needs a rectal exam or a pressor? THIS IS SPINAL SHOCK.
Syncope? Aw, Thaaat’s Not Syncope.
What the heck is syncope, anyway? “Oh, you know, it’s when you pass out.” -Okay. After an overnight shift, I usually syncopize for a period of…
Dr. Reza Dent asks “Are you still betting against PE?”
There’s a thing I do in my shop: I offer to take the con bet against PE. Whenever PE is searched for, I’ll be it’s something else. Sight unseen.
Did you t-PA a HA? You’re Doing it Wrong.
If you’ve done this before you probably shouldn’t do it again.
Why does my patient need to be flat?
With a recent N of 2, and with conversations about airway management, the RAMP position, and “defending physiology” ringing in my ears, I now have a new question: “I need to do a neck line. Does my patient need to be flat?” N of 1: Bad COPD, PNA, sick, no IV access. The pt. has bilat inguinal […]