
What kind of shock? Spinal shock?

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Would you like to specify whether our patient needs a rectal exam or a pressor? THIS IS SPINAL SHOCK.

Why does my patient need to be flat?

With a recent N of 2, and with conversations about airway management, the RAMP position, and “defending physiology” ringing in my ears, I now have a new question: “I need to do a neck line. Does my patient need to be flat?” N of 1: Bad COPD, PNA, sick, no IV access. The pt. has bilat inguinal […]

Journal Club for LIJ #EMconf – Sept 2, 2015

Two examples of the Therapeutic Hypothermia/Targeted Temperature Management discussion on FOAM:  1) Reports of therapeutic hypothermia’s death are greatly exaggerated by Dr. Chris Nickson/LITFL 2) EMCrit Wee – The Targeted Temperature Trial Changes Everything by Dr. Scott Weingart/Emcrit   The articles for the 9/2/15 Journal Club: PGY1:PGY2: PGY3: PGY4: