I’d Cath That!

  In the post-STEMI world, we talk about “occlusions.” So rather than argue about how many mm of STE there are, we say there are signs of ischemia suggestive of occlusion. Instead of having the troponin turn positive, shrugging and calling it an “NSTEMI,” we’d rather go look at the EKG for signs of the […]

Syncope? Aw, Thaaat’s Not Syncope.

What the heck is syncope, anyway? “Oh, you know, it’s when you pass out.” -Okay. After an overnight shift, I usually syncopize for a period of…

Photos from Dec. 16th Design Workshop with Dr. Bon Ku

[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”1_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] Dr. Bon Ku (@BonKu), former LIJ EM resident and current Jefferson EM physician, ran a great Resuscitation Design Workshop with our residents and faculty during conference today! Scroll through highlight photos to the right. At Penn Station, last minute prep for design workshop on medical resuscitation @NorthShoreLIJ! @ercowboy pic.twitter.com/wmlMl44WCQ […]

LIJ EMconf Extras for Oct 14, 2015

Another round of that FOAM-EY goodness for you all… I. OUTPATIENT PNEUMOTHORAX – Probably not ready for prime time but here’s Sanjay and Mike waxing poetic regarding pneumothorax management. http://www.emrap.org/episode/february2015/paperchase02 II. PNEUMOTHORAX AND PIGTAILS – If you are convinced, here’s how to put in the pigtail III. CORD SYNDROMES – Here’s the quick and dirty synopsis […]