Head Injury Rules

Canadian Head CT Rule:
Well validated, for adults
Apply ONLY to LOC, amnesia or confusion
New Orleans Head Trauma Rule:
May not apply in all settings
Apply ONLY to LOC, excludes confusion and amnesia to the trauma (only anterograde amnesia)
Spine Injury Rules

Canadian C-Spine:
Sequential rule, can fail at any stage, high to low risk pts.
CAN be used in EtOH if alert/cooperative
NEXUS C-spine Criteria:
Performs similarly to Canadian but has NO age criteria. Caution recommended in extremes of age due to high risk of this feature.
These clinical decision tools have been shown to decrease Xray utilization without missing clinically significant fractures. They are elegant tools for a more civilized age. Today’s practice environment generally eschews Xray for CT if imaging is required. Thyroid cancer would like a word.
Pediatric Head Injury Rules

PECARN Head Injury Algorithm:
Largest validated study
Age <2 vs. Age > 2 rules
100% sensitivity in Age < 2 group!
NEXUS II Ped Head Trauma:
Age < 18, trauma within 24 hrs.
Only 35% males with avg age higher (12)
Excluded those without CT imaging