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Train with the Pros – The 2016 FDNY Medical Special Operations Conference 

April 29 – May 1, 2016

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This conference is offered in collaboration between the Fire Department of the City NY (FDNY) and Northwell Health.

It is suitable for first responders of all fields, at all levels of training. 


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This is the 4th year that FDNY has offered the MSOC.  It’s a pretty cool conference that offers great opportunities for anyone with interest in disaster, wilderness, tactical med, and prehospital care. 

More information, including schedules and registration, can be found at:  http://www.fdnypro.org/msoc/


From the website:

The FDNY, in partnership with the FDNY Foundation, is proud to invite all first responders to the 4th annual Medical Special Operations Conference (MSOC).


This conference serves as an important venue for Military, Federal, State and Local medical operators and planners to share experiences. It will also provide an opportunity to learn from other stakeholders and obtain insights from experts in the field on how to improve the response framework within the medical special operations community.


Continuing Education Credit (CEU) will be made available to Paramedics, Nurses, Physician Assistants and Physicians.16.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits – Northwell Health is providing academic support.


The MSOC will take place over three days and will consist of workshops, lectures, panel discussions, hands-on skills and a vendor showcase with the latest equipment and products. An optional one day pre-conference workshop is available that will include a hands-on bio-skills cadaver lab, canine critical care workshop and a visit to the World Trade Center site.
