Please keep the following in mind when reading content on this website:

  • THERE IS NO MEDICAL ADVICE ON THIS SITE. If you are feeling ill, turn off your computer and seek medical assistance.
  • This site is intended for use by medical professionals and by students of the health professions. Content posted to this site is not a substitute for medical training and much of the material provided presumes a pre-existing knowledge base.
  • We respect patient privacy.  Any cases described here, though based in clinical experience, should be presumed to be composites or otherwise created for educational purposes.  Any similarity to specific individuals is purely coincidental.  Also, all images used will have no identifiers on them.  If you think you have identified an individual patient based on images or case descriptions, please let the editors know immediately.
  • The contributors and editors make every effort to assure the accuracy of the information provided. However, mistakes might happen. Readers are responsible for verifying the accuracy of any information they intend to apply to medical practice; you should compare what you read here to the primary literature, standard textbooks and other experts. This website and its associated content are intended for educational purposes and should not be considered a primary reference or a guide to clinical practice. Some of what is written on these pages is opinion only and may not represent acceptable medical practice. Furthermore, many of the clinical questions and subsequent discussions are intentionally written in such a way that they will engender controversy and debate.
  • This website and its associated content are in no way affiliated with, or representative of, any hospital organization or university. The materials are provided by students, residents and Emergency Department staff as a complement to classroom and clinical learning opportunities.
  • Linkage to external sites, commentary on other posts or articles from the academic or popular press, retweets, or other references to materials not hosted on this site does not constitute an endorsement of positions or opinions stated in those cited/linked resources. Indeed, contributors may intentionally include links to posts or articles that are known to be factually incorrect, for the sake of argument or for other learning purposes. It is up to the reader to consider the entire context of posted materials in order to ascertain their intent and value.
  • To  be clear: “The views expressed on this site are the personal views and opinions of the users and do not reflect the views of the health systems with which users are affiliated. Information provided here is meant to be used as an adjunct to, rather than replacing, other curated medical information, and is not meant to represent medical advice. Cases discussed have been de-identified, represent an amalgam of clinical experience rather than specific patients and are never posted at a time related to actual occurrences.”
  • We appreciate any feedback you might have.