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2016 ACEP Resident Quality Improvement/Patient Safety Award

Deadline: August 1, 2016

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Information publicly available. The 2016 nomination form provided to the CORD Community by Dr. Brenna Farmer, Chair Elect of the ACEP QIPS Section. 

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A wonderful chance to encourage and recognize residents driving quality improvement and/or patient safety initiatives.  Nominations are due 8/1/2016. Recipients will be recognized at the ACEP Scientific Assembly in Las Vegas!

For a (mostly) complete list of EMRA and ACEP sponsored awards, visit the EMRA Awards Page.

The QIPS Section homepage is here, but the nomination form doesn’t seem to be up yet.  You can download the 2016 Resident QIPS Award Nomination form here.

The text of the announcement follows.


Established in 2010, the ACEP Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS) section Resident Quality & Patient Safety Award will be presented to a resident or residents with outstanding innovations in advancing quality and/or patient safety. Recipients of the award will receive a free 1-year QIPS membership, publication in the QIPS Newsletter, and recognition at ACEP Scientific Assembly 2016 in Las Vegas, NV.


Projects will be judged on their overall importance, innovation, outcomes, and applicability to Emergency Medicine practice.  Projects lacking outcome data will not be considered.  Projects that demonstrate sustainability post implementation are preferred.  Past winners have included projects on sepsis identification, patient handoffs, hand hygiene, and alarm fatigue in auditory telemetry.


Submissions revealing innovative quality and safety improvements, whether locally, regionally or nationally are of key interest to the QIPS section.  Applications and winner(s) have a unique forum to more broadly disseminate their important work, potentially widen their collaborative partnerships, and join QIPS.  QIPS is a very active ACEP Section with over 400 members dedicated to innovating and collaborating on efforts to advance and improve patient care.
